Ok. My wife asked me to do this. She is my sweetheart and I want to make her happy. Here is a picture that I found sitting on top of some old boxes someone was throwing out way back in 1975 or so. I asked the woman whose house they were in front of if I could have it and asked the history behind it. She said her husband had been a photographer and had done some pictures for this theatre but he had passed away several years before and she didn't think anyone would want this photo (along with some others that were with it) so she threw it out. I have kept it over the years. I think historical photos are neat. They often tell a story in a way few modern pictures aren't able to tell.
This one is of the "Rivoli Theatre" back entrance. Click on this link to go to a page that tells a little more about the theatre.
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on Friday, April 17, 2009
at Friday, April 17, 2009
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