Ok, I promised it. Here are pictures developed in old film chemistry. Not too bad. Scans done at local pharmacy with techs that don't really have control over outcome so I tried to adjust them in gimp as best I could. My old zone skills are the pits and I was trying to over expose and underdevelop the negatives. What I got was a bit too much contrast but the shadow details were good for the most part. The developer was T-max 1:6 underdeveloped by 2 minutes. Still, not too bad. I was using my daughter's Nikon FM which has a broken meter so I was doing all of my shots using a hand-held meter and shooting for the shadows.
The lens was a 35-70mm f3.5 Nikon AIs zoom. sharpness is great compared to my Canon FD lenses. You can't tell that by these low resolution scans but through the magnifying loupe I can read all of the words on the sign in front of the building in the one scan of the short wall in front of the windows in the above picture. Not bad for a zoom lens.
Here are some daffodils taken with the same.
I thought the scene below was cool. I was looking under the trees in a small opening behind a wall and saw this small tree. The flowers under it looked like snow in the bright sun. I knew it was a perfect scene for extreme contrast lighting that would test the old film. It didn't turn out bad at all. Can't wait to get in the darkroom and see how much better they look hand-done on some good B & W paper.
The Golden Vial - a book review
Loved it, loved it so much.
Book 3 in the Legends of the Realm series. I read book 1 in early 2015 and
book 2 in early 2016.
I highly recommend you read T...
6 years ago