The one thing I love about linux is all of the open source software. For imaging software in windows you can use software costing up to thousands. In linux there is gimp, cinipaint, xnview, irfanview and others. I have been using mostly gimp and irfanview but am going to experiment with xnview which is similar to irfanview.
I use ubuntu 8.10. For ubuntu there is no deb program to install xnview. I converted xnview rpm to deb. For those who want to try it there is a link to a download file that is already converted for you. Gimp already comes with Ubuntu 8.10 and doesn't need to be installed. For irfanview I recommend using wine-doors, a program that installs wine (name stands for "Wine Is Not an Emulator") onto the computer. After the installation or wine-doors you will see a list of already created programs you can download. You can click on the irfanview file (a standard.exe installation file for windows) that wine-doors has adjusted to work with wine. You will go through the standard windows installation procedures you are familiar with. Wine will be listed in your taskbar menu and you will see it in the list of programs there.
Download Wine-doors here (choose ubuntu debian at top of list)
Download Xnview.deb here at ""
The Golden Vial - a book review
Loved it, loved it so much.
Book 3 in the Legends of the Realm series. I read book 1 in early 2015 and
book 2 in early 2016.
I highly recommend you read T...
6 years ago